LLtNS : Long Live the New Sound

The anti-podcast podcast for creative audio. Freeform & public access, always.
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For More: Discord | @LLtNSound | Newsletter

Listen to the new sound

Now: Conscious Without Context

Next: Frogs

All episodes

About & Hello

LLtNS is a (podcast) feed where you can listen to unexpected, eclectic, precise, messy and otherwise sounds. The feed is open to contributions from anyone making audio.

In addition to the feed, LLtNS is also a newsletter (substack) and online radio station. We also maintain a discord server for discussing, connecting, sharing thoughts about sound stuff.

LLtNS is freeform and non-commercial, a public-access-style podcast. We encourage amateurs, artists, archivists, producers, and anyone else to contribute episodes as they like. All episodes are presented as they are contributed, without hosts, context, ads or active curation (more on that below).**

The goal is to provide an open space for sound stuff. Whatever that sound stuff may be.

All of this is maintained by Adriene & Stuart.

Listen to the Feed

LLtNS is not a capital “P” Podcast. We do not have hosts or ads or release schedules. We aren’t trying to make money. Episodes come out as they are contributed by sound-makers around the world and that is reflected in the huge variety of audio on the feed. You’ll find everything from a 5-hour soundscape to a 14-second mouth sound.

Ways to listen

Find a list of episodes & artists in Episodes.


** IMPORTANT: please read the guidelines before submitting (scroll down).

Feel free to include any credits or other information about the work here (this could be things like original broadcast info, a description of the work itself, questions for the listener, an addendum to the work, an enticing lead…)

(Please specify why)

General Guidelines

Please read before submitting:

This is a non-commercial vehicle. Nobody is making money from this and nobody intends to. This is not a platform. The work is not curated, but it is screened by people.

Be sure to include your name (or artist name, or collective name) and a brief description or information about the work. You are also encouraged to provide a transcript.

You may also include a link to your work online, and social media links. This will appear in the episode description.

We also ask that you include an email address in case we need to contact you about the work, future broadcasts, changes to the feed, etc. - your contact information will not be included in the podcast description unless you want it to. This is just so we can contact you if something goes wrong (or right!)

Contribution Guidelines

We accept contributions from the genre-less, genre-bending sound works, including (but not limited to):

Feel free to submit older works, or works that have been/will be aired or published elsewhere. LLtNS is uninterested in being the first or the only venue for any of the sounds in the feed. This includes very old work, so if you are a collector or archivist and have material you’d like people to hear - feel free to contribute!

We Do NOT accept

While the feed is not curatead, we do screen submissions to make sure they meet the contribution guidelines, don’t include hateful or destructive content, and keep with the spirit of LLtNS. Please bear with us as we sort through what that all means.

The LLtNS Irregular Newsletter

The LLtNS irregular newsletter is an irregularly scheduled newsletter about the LLtNS feed. Every episode that passes through the feed will also be highlighted in the newsletter. The purpose of the newsletter is to add a bit of curation to the feed and to keep listening, relistening and highlighting the different episodes. We also offer recommendations for things to listen to outside of the LLtNS feed (and sometimes pair those with episodes).

If there’s an episode you love and want to talk about in the newsletter, get in touch! If you have a suggestion for something outside of LLtNS that you think we should highlight, get in touch!

Who is behind this? (& how to contact us)

The feed is maintained by Adriene & Stuart. We listen to the feed. We make sure the sounds stay available and that the contribution process is as easy as we can make it. Sometimes we send out a newsletter about what’s new, sometimes we tweet about the new sounds @LLtNSound, sometime we're on the LLtNS discord. But the sounds you hear in the feed have been (and are continually being) contributed by people around the world. Find the complete list in Episodes.

You can always email us with questions, concerns or just to chat: longlivethenewsound@gmail.com.

What happens next?

We review each piece before it appears in the feed and will let you know when it appears on the show. Please direct any questions to: longlivethenewsound@gmail.com. If you hear something you want to know more about, check the episode description for information provided by the uploader.

If you want to support any of the work you find on this show, please find the artists directly.


How can I find out more about a specific episode or artist on the LLtNS feed?

If they included their real name or links to their website, you can find that in the episode description. If not, you can reach out to us (longlivethenewsound@gmail.com), but no promises that we’ll be able to provide much more than is in the episode description.

Send sounds

Yes, please.
